Many Canadians rely on EI as a financial safety net when they lose their job. The program provides benefits of up to 55% of the average insurable weekly earnings for 14 weeks.
- You will be paid every 2-week interval as long as you continue to complete your reports on time. Keep your social insurance number and 4-digit access code handy to submit your reports online or by phone.
Whether you’ve been laid off or unable to work for other reasons, EI is a financial safety net to help pay your bills while you’re looking for a new job. This taxable benefit is administered by Employment and Social Development Canada. The application process is quick and easy, and you can apply online or at your local Service Canada office.
- It usually takes about a week from when you leave your job until you receive your first payment. This is known as the waiting period. The delay may be longer if you have received vacation pay or severance pay from your employer.
You must meet several conditions to be eligible for EI. You must be willing and able to work and have earned a minimum number of insurable hours. You must also provide proof that you have searched for work and are available to start a job. Finally, you must have a qualifying reason for unemployment, such as a layoff or illness.
The maximum weekly EI benefit is 55% of your average insurable earnings per week. This amount varies by region and the unemployment rate. You can also receive special benefits, such as maternity and parental benefits. The maximum weekly EI benefit increased in January 2023. Your payment dates vary depending on how often you submit your EI report and if you have direct deposit set up.
How Long Does EI Take to Deposit?
The first payment should arrive about 28 days after you apply for EI, assuming you’re qualified and have provided all the necessary information. You’ll need to submit reports every two weeks during your benefit period and provide proof of your eligibility. You can do this online or by phone. You can also enrol in direct deposit to automatically deposit your payments into your bank account.
It’s important to apply for EI as soon as possible after you lose your job. This is because your benefits may not start until your employer files a Report of Employment (ROE). You can apply for an ROE online or ask your employer to file it on your behalf.
If you want to be sure that your application is processed as quickly as possible, it’s a good idea to contact your local Service Canada office or attend an in-person event. You can find out more about in-person services at the Service Canada website. You can also get help at a community organizations and provincial/territorial unemployment offices.
How Do I Know If My EI Claim Has Been Approved?
Once you have completed your EI application and it has been processed, you will receive a 4-digit Personal Access Code in the mail. You can then use this to complete your weekly reports either online or by phone. It is important that you complete your reports accurately and in a timely manner. Incorrect information may result in an overpayment, which you will be liable to repay.
You should also be aware that any money you get from a pension, retirement or annuity fund, or worker’s compensation will reduce your eligibility for EI benefits. In addition, any earnings you make from a new job will be deducted dollar for dollar from your first three weeks of EI benefits. In addition, if you are in receipt of a Sickness and Accident Benefit from the Ford Motor Company or Workplace Safety Insurance Board payments, your eligibility for EI will be reduced.
If you are applying for Direct Needs (DUA), you will be contacted by a worker from Service Canada who will interview you and request your employer’s Record of Employment (ROE). If your former employers have not already sent the ROE to Service Canada, they will be requested to send it to DUA.
If you are not able to provide the information that is required by Service Canada, they will write to you and let you know they will be disqualifying you from regular benefits. You have 30 days from the date that you receive this decision to ask them to reconsider.
How Do I Check My EI Status?
To check your EI status, visit the My Service Canada Account (MSCA) website. You can access a variety of government services online through MSCA, including EI, CPP, RRSP, and Old Age Security. To get started, register or sign in to MSCA, and then select Employment Insurance from the welcome page. Then, you can view information about your EI claim and upcoming payment dates. You can also find your Social Insurance Number in MSCA. See below for a maintenance schedule and other information.