There are a few ways to submit your biweekly report. One option is to mail it in. Another option is to go the online route. However, the latter is likely to be more expensive. It is also more challenging to access and retrieve. Fortunately, the EI website does offer an alternative. Enter your social security number, SIN, and province into the EI site’s search box to get started. Once you have the information, click “Next.” You will then be prompted with instructions for completing your EI report. This process should take about an hour, and you should receive your payment within two to three days.
The aforementioned online route is not to be dismissed lightly. It can be the most convenient way to go. You can also save the application for later, provided you can do it right now. Alternatively, you can send it in paper form. Although less secure, a printed copy is less likely to be lost or stolen.
While at it, remember to sign up for the Alberta Digital ID. Not only is this an efficient way to get to the various services and programs the province offers, but it is also free. Additionally, it provides seamless integration with various federal, provincial, and municipal government sites and services. Moreover, the perks of being a MyAlberta member aren’t restricted to the website.
Finally, check your mailbox and bank accounts while you’re at it. Fortunately, you will be able to get paid via direct deposit. Even better, you can do so in a matter of hours. On top of that, the Alberta mobile app enables you to check your balance, pay your bills, and even manage your benefits.
Of course, if you need the help of a human to complete your online or paper-based EI report, don’t despair. Service Canada has a wealth of helpful customer service agents to assist you.
Employment Insurance Reporting in Alberta